Fix for Grease Pencil and negative frames

While investigating T44412, I noticed some weirdness going on when trying to
draw on frame 0 (i.e. strokes were getting added to frame 1 instead). Clearly,
this seemed like an off-by-one error related to clamping to prevent negative
frames which was also excluding frame 0.

This commit reverts the fixes made for T36831 in:

After thinking this over, I think these checks against drawing on negative
frames aren't needed. Even if the current userpref setting doesn't allow
navigating to negative frames, this may not be true for other users that
may work on the same file (in a team environment). Also, negative frame
values can get set via the dopesheet.
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Leung 2015-04-17 12:27:27 +12:00
parent 4cd37541b0
commit 582fa5e36e
2 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ bGPDframe *gpencil_frame_addnew(bGPDlayer *gpl, int cframe)
short state = 0;
/* error checking (neg frame only if they are not allowed in Blender!) */
if ((gpl == NULL) || ((U.flag & USER_NONEGFRAMES) && (cframe <= 0)))
if (gpl == NULL)
return NULL;
/* allocate memory for this frame */
@ -388,8 +388,6 @@ bGPDframe *gpencil_layer_getframe(bGPDlayer *gpl, int cframe, short addnew)
/* error checking */
if (gpl == NULL) return NULL;
/* No reason to forbid negative frames when they are allowed in Blender! */
if ((U.flag & USER_NONEGFRAMES) && cframe <= 0) cframe = 1;
/* check if there is already an active frame */
if (gpl->actframe) {

View File

@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ static void rna_def_gpencil_frame(BlenderRNA *brna)
prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "frame_number", PROP_INT, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_int_sdna(prop, NULL, "framenum");
/* XXX note: this cannot occur on the same frame as another sketch */
RNA_def_property_range(prop, MINAFRAME, MAXFRAME);
RNA_def_property_range(prop, -MAXFRAME, MAXFRAME);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Frame Number", "The frame on which this sketch appears");
/* Flags */
@ -579,7 +579,9 @@ static void rna_def_gpencil_frame(BlenderRNA *brna)
prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "select", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "flag", GP_FRAME_SELECT);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Select", "Frame is selected for editing in the Dope Sheet");
/* API */
func = RNA_def_function(srna, "clear", "rna_GPencil_frame_clear");
RNA_def_function_ui_description(func, "Remove all the grease pencil frame data");