No pressure sensitivity with Surface Pen on Surface Laptop #57869

opened 2018-11-16 13:15:30 +01:00 by Relja Trajković · 10 comments

System Information
Windows 10
Surface Laptop

Blender Version
Broken: both 2.79b and 2.8 build Hash:492dbae4d1a
Worked: /

Short description of error
Pressure sensitivity from Surface Pen simply doesn't register in Blender. Works in other apps like Sketchbook Pro and various Windows 10 Ink apps like Sketch, OneNote, Sticky notes

Exact steps for others to reproduce the error
Need Surface Laptop (but I believe it's the case with other Surface devices, based on other bugs reported here). No special steps required, doesn't work in texture paint, grease pencil, and sculpting.

**System Information** Windows 10 Surface Laptop **Blender Version** Broken: both 2.79b and 2.8 build Hash:492dbae4d1a Worked: / **Short description of error** Pressure sensitivity from Surface Pen simply doesn't register in Blender. Works in other apps like Sketchbook Pro and various Windows 10 Ink apps like Sketch, OneNote, Sticky notes **Exact steps for others to reproduce the error** Need Surface Laptop (but I believe it's the case with other Surface devices, based on other bugs reported here). No special steps required, doesn't work in texture paint, grease pencil, and sculpting.

Added subscriber: @ReljaTrajkovic

Added subscriber: @ReljaTrajkovic

Possibly related issue:

Possibly related issue:

Added subscribers: @pepe-school-land, @mont29

Added subscribers: @pepe-school-land, @mont29

@pepe-school-land iirc, you are using a surface tablet with Blender? are you aware of anything special about that topic?

Otherwise I guess we'll need a dev with that hardware to investigate and fix (iirc microsoft changed some stuff re tablet/pen access some times ago, though I thought we had that integrated…).

@pepe-school-land iirc, you are using a surface tablet with Blender? are you aware of anything special about that topic? Otherwise I guess we'll need a dev with that hardware to investigate and fix (iirc microsoft changed some stuff re tablet/pen access some times ago, though I thought we had that integrated…).

Yes, I use Blender in surface book 2 with same issue and after instaling Wintab_x64_1.0.0.20 driver the pressure works (yay!) but Blender have some
problems manage this kind of pen devices, like this one the problem is that pen event is not received for the first movements of the pen and only after a while.
this task appear closed but still happening.

Yes, I use Blender in surface book 2 with same issue and after instaling Wintab_x64_1.0.0.20 driver the pressure works (yay!) but Blender have some problems manage this kind of pen devices, like this one the problem is that pen event is not received for the first movements of the pen and only after a while. this task appear closed but still happening.

Added subscriber: @khmopo

Added subscriber: @khmopo

Added subscriber: @magicalhobo

Added subscriber: @magicalhobo

Installing Wintab_x64_1.0.0.20 driver solved the issue for me as well on Surface Laptop just now. Thanks @pepe-school-land

Installing Wintab_x64_1.0.0.20 driver solved the issue for me as well on Surface Laptop just now. Thanks @pepe-school-land

This issue was referenced by 4693207918

This issue was referenced by 46932079184754ace63b25f854e3f273fbf6f0c5

Changed status from 'Open' to: 'Resolved'

Changed status from 'Open' to: 'Resolved'
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Reference: blender/blender#57869
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